Keith Foskey - Pastor , Podcaster & Hunorist
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Watch this video to learn how you will acquire basic Greek Bible study skills with the Basic Greek Skills Course…
A good preacher can bring things out of the Bible that you don’t see.
Have you wondered why you can’t read the Bible the same way as them?
Wouldn’t you love to have the freedom to delve into the riches of the scriptures like that pastor?
It is possible.
You can read the Bible the same way, you just need to learn the skills to do it.
After reading through a passage for the hundredth (or thousandth) time, does it get any better?
Do you get more nourishment from that passage?
Probably not.
But then when you hear that same passage preached, you find that there is indeed much more to discover that you haven’t considered.
That passage remained the same. You got stuck in your level of reading skill.
Do you want to get out of that level? Do you want to read that same passage more intently?
More skillfully?
Do you read from a translation? Let’s call that level one.
I help people take their Bible reading to a whole different level by learning to read the New Testament in Greek.
And it transforms lives… Here’s what someone shared after a year of working with me:
‘I’ve gained clarity and confidence when it comes to preaching and teaching the Scriptures. Above all else, I’m getting to know my Saviour in a deeper way.’
This person learned to read New Testament Greek, but you might not be ready to commit to learning Greek to this level.
I get it. It’s a big commitment and we’re often not sure if we can do it, or if it is worth it.
So, I’ve made it my goal to provide you with as many of the benefits of knowing Greek as I can, without you actually having to learn Greek to that level.
With some foundational skills, you can start uncovering deeper meanings in scripture and gain new insights into your Bible.
I want to help you level up so you can know your saviour in a deeper way, but without the full commitment to learn New Testament Greek (at least not right away).
By knowing a little bit of Greek, you can gain:
The Basic Greek Skills course will teach you how to take your Bible study up a level so you can get much more from your time in the word of God.
It only takes three weeks of learning in your own time.
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What will you learn in the Basic Greek Skills course?
The course has been constructed for those with no knowledge of Greek to enable you to:
Sound out Greek words and sentences using modern Greek pronunciation, or convert your pronunciation from Erasmian to Modern pronunciation
Too many people just look up a word in Strong's Dictionary. By the time you're done with the Basic Greek Skills course, your ability to do word studies will be free of common errors and richer than you ever knew was possible.
As you learn about the language itself, you'll also discover the importance of Greek for Christians, and why we are poorer today for not having more knowledge of the language.
Studying the scripture is not merely about word studies, but about how authors use words together to express themselves to their recipient(s). We'll explore the significance of Greek verbs, how they differ from English verbs and how sentences are constructed so you can follow the authors arguments in their own words.
We'll also explore how to use Greek texts within your English translation in Logos Bible Software as well as how to select a Greek New Testament for yourself.
This course is intended to prime you to continue your studies if you'd like to. Sure you'll get great value from this course, but there is so much more to learn, and we want to introduce you to the next steps when you're ready to take them.
Narrow is the road that leads to life.
Easy roads are for people happy to keep cruising. But you want to grow right? You want more life from your Bible reading?
That is good. And that will take growth in skill.
No one grows by sticking to the road they know.
Take this opportunity to get on a new road, challenge yourself, and ascend to a new level of Bible reading.
If you take the Basic Greek Skills course now, in three weeks you will be able to apply new skills in your daily Bible reading.
Or you can stay where you are right now.
Embrace growth and take the Basic Greek Skills course!
3 Lessons: The alphabet, Pronunciation and Vocabulary
4 Lessons: How to Expose Greek in Translations, Word Study Resource Guide, Words and their Function, How to do a Word Study
4 Lessons: More on Greek Verbs, Phrases-Clauses-and Sentences, Block Diagramming a Sentence, Using Commentaries
Extra lessons on Selecting a Greek text, Greek in Church History and Next Steps.
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To get this course and begin to level up your Bible study:
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You don’t want to miss out on these great bonuses this Black Friday through Cyber Monday. Get in now before it’s too late!
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