Call time for your timezone

Timezone Time Date
Pacific Time (PT)
3 Oct
New York (EDT)
9:00 pm
3 Oct
London (BST)
2:00 am
3 Oct
Sydney (AEST)
4 Oct
New Zealand (NZDT)
2:00 pm
4 Oct

What this webinar is about:

This webinar gets into the nitty gritty of learning Hebrew, to show you how you can learn it successfully. 

The webinar format will be: 

  • A presentation on how you can learn Hebrew with the Hebrew Mastery Membership System
  • Testimonials from our members on how the system worked for them
  • Q&A time! 

Have you been interested in learning Hebrew?
Maybe dabbling or experimenting with learning?
Are you not sure if you’re up for making the commitment to learn Hebrew?

I’m here to help you read Hebrew!
So let’s talk about what might be holding you back from successfully learning Hebrew, and remove those obstacles.