Experience Genuine Spiritual Transformation Through a Richer Understanding of God’s Word

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    We hear it over and over:
    "Learning Biblical Greek is just too hard for me."

    You might feel this way too. Like there seems to be no easier option to learn Greek that would work for you. 

    Sure, you want to go deeper in the Bible by learning Greek, but…

    You’re working full time, or running a home. There’s no way you can possibly find the time.

    Maybe you’re older than most students. Surely you couldn’t keep up with all the learning required.

    Or perhaps you’ve tried to read one of those Greek grammars written for seminary. It’s just too much information, right?

    At Biblical Mastery Academy, we’ve helped hundreds of regular people learn to read and study Biblical Greek; plumbers, housewives, you name it. And because of that, we’re confident that you can do it too!

    Our Greek Mastery Membership is designed to fit into your life!

    Introducing the

    Greek Mastery Membership

    Small, Consistent Steps To Mastery

    Our low cost, high value memberships are designed to give you the skills to read and study the Bible like a scholar. We’re convinced that our approach to learning Biblical Greek & Hebrew will take you deeper, faster than any other comparable course or product. Through small, consistent steps, you’ll gain the clarity and confidence you need to handle the word of God skillfully.

    We’ve seen the challenges students have with seminary courses and grammars. That’s why we’ve created our own unique course from scratch, breaking each lesson down into small, bite-sized steps. 

    Most Greek grammars provide multiple concepts at once. We aim to provide just one or two key concepts per lesson. For each lesson, we provide exercises to help you learn and practice each new skill, while reviewing and building on what you’ve already learned.

    We call it Beginning Greek in Small Steps, and students absolutely love it! 

    Lock In Your Price

    Whatever price you join at, you get to keep it as long as you remain a member in good standing. We will NEVER put your price up, but we will keep looking for ways to deliver more value.

    All Access Flat Rate

    Our flat rate gives you access to everything included in your membership. That includes courses, cohorts, and much more. The only additional cost is optional Greek Certification.

    Take Classes Until Mastery

    You can repeat the courses in your membership as often as you like. Feel free to jump between cohorts as well - you don't even have to tell us. Just keep taking small steps!

    Michele Lewis
    Michele Lewis
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    I knew that I needed structure, consistency, and accountability and that is exactly what I got with Biblical Mastery Academy. I have been a member for almost 2 years and I can guarantee you there is no way I would’ve advanced the way I have if I had continued what I was doing.
    Neil Ellson
    Neil Ellson
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    Since joining the membership just over 2 years ago I now have only 5 books of the New Testament left to read. I have learnt over 4000 of the approximate 5300 vocabulary and am progressing in my ability to just pick up my GNT and read without helps.
    Hilary Deneufchatel
    Hilary Deneufchatel
    Hebrew Mastery Member
    Read More
    Nothing helps you to learn vocabulary better than to see it immediately in a text you are reading, and nothing helps you to read a text more easily than to have just learned the vocabulary you need for it! Biblical Mastery Academy is like the stabilisers on a training bike, giving support and confidence for the next stage in learning.

    I'm looking for a one-off course... why join a membership?

    • We're Invested In Your Success

      Everything we do is focused on helping you achieve your goal. We look at where you struggle and we work on ways to make it easier. We consider your questions and look for ways to make the answers clearer and more obvious. We focus on the experience you have learning the language, and we adapt to develop resources inside our membership to help you grow. Everything we do is ultimately to help you read and study the Bible in the original languages like a scholar. It isn't just about the language, it is about how you are able to grow more like Christ through a richer and deeper knowledge of the word of God. The language is just a means to get you there more directly, and with greater clarity.

    • Reduce Your up Front Costs

      High-quality courses can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Of course, this is not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes these large amounts of money are outside of what everyday Christians can afford. Sure, you could go for a payment plan, but what if you want to resit the course? What happens if something major takes you away from the course for a few weeks and you get hopelessly behind? With the Greek Mastery Membership you pay a low monthly fee and you get access to an entire platform with a community of dedicated learners, multiple cohorts, and help made available for you every week in our live calls. Not only do you save the large up front cost (and the risk associated with it), you also get the benefit of increased flexibility. You can join different classes as they come along, join live calls with instructors to get specific help, and much more. Don't just invest for the short term. The Greek Mastery Membership is designed to invest in you for a lifetime of growth.

    • Go Further In Your Learning

      Don't just finish one course and stop there! Each course has a specific learning outcome. For example, when you finish our Beginning Greek course, you will have learned the basics of the language. However, there is so much more to learn! From there you can go on and gain confidence through our Reading Greek course. You can then work through our Milestones bit by bit, learning to read more of the Greek New Testament each week. Our more advanced courses which will teach you exegesis, advanced Greek, text criticism, and more. You can also develop your knowledge of church history in our monthly reading group. In short, the Greek Mastery Membership is a powerhouse of ongoing learning that will keep feeding you fresh content to develop your knowledge for years to come.

    What You'll Be Able To Accomplish With The Greek Mastery Membership

    Read New Testament Greek

    Within 18 months, you will read at least 7 of Paul’s epistles, the 3 letters of John, plus James and Jude from a plain Greek New Testament without any tools or other helps – Eventually, you will read all of the New Testament like this.

    Exegete Confidently

    You will learn to draw out meanings from reading large passages of Greek smoothly – just as readers in the 1st century were able to when they received the letters of Paul or any other apostle. This takes your insights from “word studies” to a whole new level. Instead of just studying a word on its own, you can read it in context and glean the intended meaning of the original author far more accurately. 

    Interpret Passages Efficiently

    You will no longer need to rely solely on the opinions of others. You will come to any interpretive differences or debates over scripture with a sharpened sword. 

    Understand Technical Commentaries

    Because you will develop  well rounded and advanced Greek grammar knowledge, you will be able to use even the most technical commentaries, grammars, lexicons and more with ease. 

    Read Greek Devotionally

    You will be able to read New Testament Greek in your study time, which will give you greater delight and joy in scripture, and a deeper knowledge of your saviour.

    Defend The Gospel

    As you increase in understanding of the original New Testament language, you will be able to more articulately defend sound doctrine, with greater confidence in the word of God.

    Teach & Share With Others

    You will learn in advanced classes how to observe, interpret and apply Greek passages. This will help you to develop sermon outlines from the Greek text if you need to. But even before this, you will glean valuable insights from a rich understanding of scripture that you can share with others.

    Membership Features

    Greek Courses

    • Beginning Greek

      Course Outcome: You can read 1 John in Greek
      Course Length: Varies (6-12 months)

    • Reading Greek

      Course Outcome:Reading fluency in the Greek of John's 3 epistles and 4 of Paul's
      Course Length: 10 weeks

    • Interpretation of Ephesians

      Course Outcome:Skills and ability to accurately study the Greek New Testament, high proficiency in Ephesians
      Course Length: 10 weeks

    • Greek Syntax

      Course Outcome:Deep exegetical skills for studying challenging passages like a scholar
      Course Length: 15 weeks

    • Milestones

      Course Outcome:Learn to read every book of the New Testament and understand their grammar
      Course Length: Self Paced, 3+ years while completing the courses above

    Exclusive Grammar

    For Greek Mastery Members Only

    Greek Instructors

    Picture of Dr. Darryl Burling

    Dr. Darryl Burling

    Dr. Burling is the founder and CEO of Biblical Mastery Academy. He is also the author of Beginning Greek in Small Steps. He has been teaching Greek since 2017.

    Picture of Stephen Hackett

    Stephen Hackett

    Stephen's passion for the biblical Greek led him to self-study Greek before he joined Biblical Mastery Academy where he started building his vocabulary and took our more advanced courses. He's been teaching biblical Greek at Biblical Mastery Academy since 2020.

    Picture of Neil Ellson

    Neil Ellson

    After trying to learn Greek for 20 years, Neil joined Biblical Mastery Academy, and joined three Beginning Greek cohorts at once. After Beginning Greek his knowledge took off, and he started teaching in 2021 before joining full time in 2023.

    Member Community

    Larry Ritterbeck
    Larry Ritterbeck
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    I would argue that the most important piece of everything that Biblical Mastery Academy offers is the community of fellow students. In my undergraduate Greek class, no one was there studying ahead with me. No one knew as much vocabulary as me. No one really seemed to share that undying thirst I have for Greek. But here, there are not just fellow students, but fellow believers who want to learn Greek with me and better our relationships with both Christ and one another. If you are having any doubts whether the membership is right for you, I am confident that you will not be dissatisfied.
    Shayne Torres
    Shayne Torres
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    This community has provided me with: accountability, direction, and camaraderie. These things are invaluable in my greek learning journey. I have a large group of awesome people who love greek as much as I do (and even more) who are excited to learn and discuss the learning progress.
    Michael Letson
    Michael Letson
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    The community has been wonderful for just connecting. No matter the question you may have someone is there to answer. Whether it is in reference to Logos Software recommendations, finding recorded Cohort classes, or just reading up on encouraging posts from others who have progressed further through their Greek journey. The Live Calls are great for encouragement first and for most, typically Darryl is so encouraging to everyone, complimenting their progress and pushing them to just keep going. Additionally, there are other members in the live calls, that will give feedback and help explain topics that you may have questions with.
    Neil Ellson
    Neil Ellson
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    Having a community has provided me with impetus and accountability in order to progress in my goals. I have been able to discuss misconceptions with like minded people in an atmosphere free from academic and religious judgement.
    Joanne Gabler Holmes
    Joanne Gabler Holmes
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    It's amazing to meet fellow believers from all over the world unite in one goal, to know God better by learning to read Greek on our own. It's a privilege to experience the universal church at work. I am encouraged and refreshed each call I attend. I am able to laugh at my confusion and not become discouraged but to just press on knowing that I am going to be held accountable to a group of people who are all in the same boat, all trying to keep taking small, consistent steps. I am encouraged and work even harder knowing I'll be asked to translate!
    Jeff Chavez
    Jeff Chavez
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    I am a new member of the community but the warm welcome made me love the language more. To see that you are surrounded by people who love the word deeply and who love God enough to go out of themselves and help others to know Him through His inspired word is mind-blowing. It is truly an exercise of selfless service and delight to be spent for others in Christ.

    Biblical Mastery Academy Makes Learning Greek Easier

    With the features of the Greek Mastery Membership you have a clear path to take you from total beginner to reading at least 12 books of the New Testament with just 18 months of consistent study. Let us help you read and study Greek like a scholar!

    This membership has given me a strong foundation in both the vocab and syntax of the Greek through an affordable, easily accessible means of learning from the comforts of home at my own pace. It's been super nice to work with as I'm working full-time, and it's given me exactly what I wanted--being able to read Scripture in its original language! I love it!
    Sheylah Bos
    Greek Mastery Member
    My personal experience with the Greek Mastery Membership and interaction with Dr. Burling has been exceedingly positive in all respects.

    After two years in the Greek Mastery Membership program my ability to read and comprehend the Greek texts has soared. Not only have I become fluent with many Greek texts but I’ve also gained clarity and confidence when it comes to preaching and teaching the Scriptures. Above all else, I’m getting to know my Saviour in a deeper way. So, if you’re committed to the task and joy of learning to read the Greek New Testament, this program will get you there!
    Steven Pretsel
    Greek Mastery Member
    As a busy homeschool mom of four, I feel like if I can do this, anyone can. This program has offered the support, guidance, encouragement, and tools that I needed to successfully start and continue my knowledge of Greek.
    Meg Smith
    Greek Mastery Member

    See what ordinary people can achieve with the Greek Mastery Membership

    I've long wanted to do away with my Greek reader's edition and read straight from the Greek New Testament with no other aids. However, I couldn't muster the discipline or put together an effective plan to cross that bridge. Biblical Mastery Academy is just what I needed. I love the program, and the milestones, and even the careful order of the books to keep students moving through the readings with as few roadblocks as possible. This is a great system, and I recommend it to anyone who is really serious about reading New Testament in its original language.
    Ken Nunemaker
    Greek Mastery Member
    I learned Greek in seminary and found it so hard that every day after class, I'd go back to my room and cry, and tell the Lord that I couldn't do this. Then I discovered Biblical Mastery Academy and now I just finished beginning Greek and I love Greek!
    Noel Ojendiz
    Greek Mastery Member
    I am now able to read directly from many Greek texts of the Bible without having to go back-and-forth using time consuming original language helps. Better however, is that the Greek Mastery Membership is not just a self study program. Darryl is personally involved in helping and encouraging all of us in the program to improve our Greek skills. Most important, this is the only program I've found since graduating from Seminary that has made it possible for me to maintain and grow in my mastery of the Greek text of the Bible.
    Dennis Davies
    Greek Mastery Member
    Nothing helps you to learn vocabulary better than to see it immediately in a text you are reading, and nothing helps you to read a text more easily than to have just learned the vocabulary you need for it! Biblical Mastery Academy is like the stabilisers on a training bike, giving support and confidence for the next stage in learning.
    Hilary Denufchatel
    Greek Mastery Member
    I learned Greek at Bible college back in 2004 but lost it all because of the busyness of ministry. Since then I've tried many different methods to relearn it but failed every time until I started on the Greek Mastery Membership. What I really like about the membership is:

    1. Its system of learning is clear and systematic. It breaks things down into manageable steps, is easy to follow and you get to see your progress towards the goal of reading the entire GNT.

    2. Darryl Burling is really knowledgable, friendly, helpful and he really wants you to be able to read the entire GNT

    3.The Community - learning Greek in the courses together with other people who are passionate about the GNT really spurs me on.

    Since joining the program I've regained all the Greek that I've lost since Bible college, am now able to read the GNT in my devotion and use it in my sermon prep. I am looking forward to be able to read the whole GNT.
    Yuk Yee Foo
    Greek Mastery Member

    What have you got to lose?

    When I wanted to start Greek, I thought it was as simple as buying a Greek Grammar and following along. I was wrong. Learning Greek is like building a brand new set of skills from scratch. It is hard work, and doesn’t happen quickly.

    Mastering the language of the New Testament is a marathon, not a sprint. That is why we provide you with a membership. It is possible to learn by just buying an online course and following along, but for most people, it takes more than that. A membership provides you everything you need over the long term, so that you don’t just start learning Greek, but you are encouraged to continue making small, consistent steps from wherever you are to mastery.

    Inside the membership we give you the course material, vocabulary, lessons, and exercises you need. But you can also ask questions any time, watch replays of calls, and even join those calls yourself to ask questions of our knowledgable instructors.

    There is absolutely no risk. We’re working together to make sure nobody gets stuck, and everyone is encouraged to keep taking those small, consistent steps toward mastery.

    Start a 7 day free trial. If you find that learning biblical Greek is not for you, just cancel your membership before the end of the 7-day trial and you’ll not be charged!

    — Dr. Darryl Burling

    Dr. Darryl Burling

    Founder & CEO Biblical Mastery Academy

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is There a Self-Study Option or Do I Have To Follow a Schedule?

    Yes! Our entire system is designed for self-study first. But we provide cohorts and other opportunities to meet with other members and learn together. In short, you can use the membership however it best suits you.


    Once you join the membership, the courses relevant to you will be immediately available for self study. We’ll also let you know when the next cohorts are starting, so that if you want to be part of a group and follow a schedule, you can.


    Not only can you self-study or work with a cohort, you can even switch between self-study and cohorts and switch cohorts whenever you want – you don’t even need to tell us! 

    What Level of Experience Do Your Memberships Suit?

    Growth Membership

    The Growth Membership is designed for those who simply want to grow in Christ likeness and who are not committed to learning the languages.


    Greek Mastery Membership

    We assume nothing! Regardless of whether you’ve never learned the alphabet or you’ve been studying Greek for a couple of years, we have courses and lessons to take you all the way to mastery of the Greek New Testament.


    Hebrew Mastery Membership

    This is a new membership we launched in 2022 with our Beginning Hebrew course. We’re adding new courses and cohorts to develop you to mastery of the Hebrew Old Testament.


    Premium Languages Membership

    The Premium Languages Membership provides everything in the Greek and Hebrew Mastery Memberships combined. That means you can be a complete newbie and learn both Greek and Hebrew at the same time (which we generally do not recommend).


    In the Premium Languages Membership we’re also adding additional group-coaching features to help you speed your way through our Mastery Success Path.


    The Premium Languages Membership is designed to be more affordable than paying individually for the Greek and Hebrew Mastery Memberships, and includes certification as part of the price.

    Can't I Just Learn The Languages From Grammars?

    We are all for the use of Greek and Hebrew grammars for studying and learning the languages.

    However, learning alone is challenging. On your own, there is no accountability, no schedule, and, most importantly, no proven system to take you from beginner to mastery. You’re left to figure it all out by yourself. Some can do this, but most struggle.

    We have had hundreds of members pass through our courses and come out the other side with greater knowledge of the language than when they were self-studying using a grammar. Even those who studied the languages in the past find the approach in the memberships takes them well past where they have ever been before!  

    What Kind of Pedagogy Do You Use To Teach The Languages?

    While we’ve been optimizing the grammar translate method for years, our Beginning Greek in Small Steps course is more like a PPP (Present, practice, produce) approach. Our ambition goes beyond merely exegeting the text (like most grammars) to reading the text. The exercise are drawn directly from the Greek New Testament, Septuagint, and the Apostolic Fathers so that you will be reading real Greek texts and passages right from the start. The live classes provide plenty of opportunity for discussion and the community members and leaders are available for questions in between classes.

    What Format Are Your Lessons In?

    Each lesson of our courses or milestones contains: 

    • A video presentation teaching the material or covering key grammatical concepts in the reading
    • A vocabulary deck of digital flashcards
    • A written lesson summary
    • Homework sheets in PDF or MS Word

    Depending on the course you’re taking, the lessons may also be keyed to chapters in a grammar, particularly in Beginning Greek and Beginning Hebrew. 


    We also have regular live calls to give members additional support as they work through courses. 

    Do You Charge Anything Besides The Monthly or Annual Fee?

    No, we do not charge any additional costs, nor do we charge per course. We provide our Beginning Greek in Small Steps grammar for you in downloadable form (and even explain how to make it into a personal book in Logos Bible Software). We strongly recommend several other low-priced apps as inexpensive one-off purchases, and as you go on, we’ll recommend additional books and resources. All the lessons, vocabulary, etc. are included in your monthly membership fee. 

    How Does The Digital Vocabulary System Work?

    We use an app called Flashcards Deluxe for vocabulary flashcards, available on the Google Play or Apple App store.


    Once you have the app set up with your phone, tablet or even desktop for Apple users, you can download the files of flashcards from the member site. We give you one new file per lesson, eventually adding 30 words a week to your vocabulary knowledge. This helps you quickly gain fluency in reading!

    If I Want To Learn The Biblical Languages, Shouldn't I Just Go To Seminary or College?

    Founder and CEO, Dr. Darryl Burling, studied Greek in seminary. While he learned to exegete the text, the focus was not on how to read Greek. Seminaries and other courses typically focus on exegesis, not reading. Biblical Mastery Academy is one of the only biblical language learning providers with a goal to get members to reading fluency, while also growing a deep understanding of grammar and syntax. We’ll also teach you to exegete the text from a languages-first approach rather than in your English Bible!

    Also, in our memberships, there is no pressure, no deadlines, no exams, and you don’t pay again if you want to repeat a course! The lack of these pressures has been one of the factors that have made us rethink how to teach beginning Greek. We want you to learn because you want to, not to get a grade. 

    What Other Resources Will I Need To Buy?

    For our Greek Mastery Membership, additional resources include:


    Flashcards Deluxe (Google Play or Apple App Store)

    ParseGreek by Danny Zacharias (Google Play or Apple App Store)


    For Beginning Greek: We provide our own Beginning Greek in Small Steps material in Word or PDF format for you to download as part of your membership. 

    For Reading Greek and Greek Syntax: Intermediate Greek Grammar by Mathewson and Emig (Amazon or Logos)

    For Interpretation of Ephesians: Tyndale House Greek New Testament (Amazon or Logos), and Harold W. Hoehner, Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary (Amazon or Logos)

    For our Hebrew Mastery Membership, additional resources include:


    Flashcards Deluxe (Google Play or Apple App Store)


    For Beginning Hebrew: Learning Biblical Hebrew by Kutz and Josberger (Amazon or Logos)

    Larry Ritterbeck
    Larry Ritterbeck
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    The system that Darryl has developed for getting through the Greek grammar, syntax, and, most of all, the vocabulary is simply brilliant. Not only do you work through all the vocabulary in Greek, but you also get to read through the Greek New Testament as you do it. It is SO rewarding to know for a fact that my learning is actually working and satisfying my desire for Greek.
    Steven King
    Steven King
    Hebrew Mastery Member
    Read More
    I am currently half way through the Beginning Hebrew course and it has been really helpful. All I knew of Hebrew before I started was the alphabet so was not able to read any of the OT in its original language.  There is freedom to do things at your own pace and there are slower paced courses which means it is geared to whatever your aims are. Now I am beginning to read simple passages from the OT and that is amazing. Frank is really encouraging and I now feel that Hebrew is something that is not beyond me and I am looking forward to learning more. This is a brilliant way of learning the language which is also cost effective.
    Paul Pater
    Paul Pater
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    Within a few weeks of starting with the Greek Mastery Membership, I was amazed at how much Greek not only came back to me, but actually improved over what I had learned from college and seminary. We were never really taught how to "read" the Greek text. We were taught more so how to "decode" it, which meant I couldn't read even the most basic words. Now I'm learning how to actually read the text! It's amazing.
    Barry Ritchie
    Barry Ritchie
    Hebrew Mastery Member
    Read More
    While I had two courses prior study of BH using Zondervan's online course, the emphasis on reading is much stronger in the Hebrew Mastery Membership course. As a result, I feel my ability to read the text has gotten much stronger, while going back over some of the same material I had in Practico and Van Pelt.
    Chan Arnett
    Chan Arnett
    Greek Mastery Member
    Read More
    Before I joined the Greek Mastery Membership, I was struggling with Greek... It is EXACTLY what I had needed all these years... Now, I have the plan I need to guarantee success (as long as I follow it and put in the work of course!), and an added bonus is the community: it is filled with positive people always willing to help me. There are all sorts of tools to help and again, no shortage of community members willing to help you achieve your goals!

    Get Started

    Start your journey to learn biblical Greek with our free Getting Started course! Includes 8 Short (2-3 minute) lessons explaining:

    • How Greek transforms your Bible reading
    • Your path to mastery (from wherever you’re starting)
    • What your skill level looks like 1 year from now
    • How Beginning Greek in Small Steps works
    • How much time you need to learn Greek
    • Other resources and tools you’ll need
    • A quick tour of the Greek Mastery Membership 

    Then, start a free 7 day trial of the Greek Mastery Membership when you’re finished! 

    👇 Get instant access to our FREE Getting Started course! 👇

      Still Got Questions?

      Write to us at [email protected]

      We would love to hear from you!