Upgrade to the Premium Languages Membership

Three Big Reasons to Upgrade

Greek Mastery

Get access to the full Greek Mastery Membership success path, Milestones, cohort courses, vocabulary, and more

Greek Certification

Premium Languages Members get certification free and have more opportunity to complete certification requirements and translation exams

Hebrew Mastery

Get access to the full Hebrew Mastery Membership success path, Milestones, cohort courses, vocabulary, and more (under construction)


Fill in the form below. Once we receive your upgrade request we’ll invite you to the relevant courses in the community and update your monthly membership fees for you. 

If you're upgrading to the Premium Languages Membership in order to start Hebrew, we recommend that you complete at least Milestone 1 in the Greek Mastery Membership before you upgrade. This will ensure you're through the hardest part of Greek and you've bedded in some good skills and experience before adding another language.

If you're considering the Premium Languages Membership for certification, then you'll want to join if you're nearly done with Milestone 1. Note that certification requires completion of Milestone 1, so certification materials will not be made available to Premium Languages Members until you've completed Milestone 1.

If you're upgrading from Hebrew to add Greek, we recommend you complete the Hebrew Milestone 1 before you add Greek. This gives you time to gain some experience reading Hebrew and solidify the skills you've developed during the beginning Hebrew course.

The upgrade price is just $25 on top of your regular Mastery Membership price. So if you're paying $39/month for your Greek Mastery Membership, your new membership fee will be $64/month. Most members are paying $50/month so the upgraded fee will be $75/month.

If you're a Hebrew Mastery Membership and you're upgrading, your membership fee will be $75/month.

Fill in the form below. Once we receive your upgrade request we'll send you an email inviting you to the relevant courses in the community and update your monthly membership fees for you. 

Click the link(s) in the email to get access to your new benefits and let us know if there is anything missing! 

We change your charges manually, and normally simply change your next invoice to reflect the increased membership price. 

If your membership is an annual membership, and your next annual invoice is more than 6 weeks away, we may charge you the difference between your current membership level and the Premium Languages Membership for the time until your annual renewal is due. We'll let you know if this is the case. 

Oops. The upgrade is not currently available!

You’ve landed here either before or after the upgrade window. 

Watch for another opportunity to upgrade your membership to the Premium Languages Membership soon!